Site location of Station 175 Palo Verde II has changed ownership and been discontinued/ inactivated.
Thursday, March 27, 2025
Station 175 Palo Verde II has been fallowed and not irrigated due to a change in land ownership. The station equipment has been pulled. If you know of a potential new station host, with an irrigated field greater than 10 acres, with grass or alfalfa, please contact the CIMIS program and let us know.
Station #68 Seeley has been discontinued
Thursday, March 27, 2025
Station #68 Seeley has been discontinued due to a change in land ownership and lack of irrigation. Please let CIMIS know if you know of anyone interested in hosting a CIMIS station in an irrigated field, golf course, ballpark, or otherwise grassy area of about 10 acres or more.
Station 5 Shafter is not reporting ETo.
Tuesday, June 25, 2024
Site conditions at the CIMIS station 5 Shafter site no longer allow ETo processing due to lack of irrigation and healthy grass reference surface. CIMIS is actively looking for new station hosts. If you know of an interested party with a large field, pasture, golf course, or park with year-round irrigated grassy surface, please contact us.
Station 257 Ridgecrest will report ETo once irrigation is resumed.
Tuesday, June 25, 2024
Station 257 Ridgecrest's golf course has plans to resume irrigation of their back 9 fairways. Once irrigation is restored or the station equipment is moved to a reference site with irrigation and grass, ETo will once again be able to process.
Station 148 has been removed and deactivated
Thursday, April 11, 2024
Station 148 was deactivated due to a land use change beginning April 9th, 2024. We are grateful to the station host for providing their site for the past 25 years. If you know of any irrigated pastures, ballparks, or golf courses that would possibly host a CIMIS station in or near Merced, please contact us.
FTP has been upgraded
Thursday, January 11, 2024
The FTP has been updated to SFTP at s (Host). Contact us for new Username and Password. Use Filezilla or WinSCP to access. To bring the FTP access up to date with modern security, the protocol has been upgraded to Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP). Contact us and an email will be sent to current FTP users which includes credentials for logging in to the new protocol.
Station 198 Santa Paula has been discontinued
Thursday, June 29, 2023
Station 198 Santa Paula has been discontinued due to a land use change. Historical data is still available.
Station 142 Orange Cove has been retired.
Friday, March 17, 2023
Station 109 Orange Cove has been retired due to site location and maintenance problems. Historic data is available. Please contact CIMIS if you are interested in hosting a CIMIS station in your irrigated pasture, golf course, ballpark, or other land type.
Station 169 Porterville has been retired due to a land-use change. Historic data is available.
Friday, March 17, 2023
Station 169 Porterville has been retired due to a land-use change. Historic data is available. Please contact CIMIS if you are interested in hosting a CIMIS station in your irrigated pasture, golf course, ballpark, or other irrigated land type.
Station 62 Temecula is no longer reporting ETo.
Friday, March 17, 2023
Station 62 Temecula is no longer reporting ETo due to poor site location (insufficient irrigated grass surface) and maintenance problems. Please let us know if you know of a suitable irrigated field nearby for a new CIMIS station.
Station 88 Cuyama temporarily not reporting ETo.
Thursday, February 23, 2023
Station 88 Cuyama is temporarily not reporting ETo until irrigation is resumed and the grass is restored.
Station 218 Thermal South has been vandalized and is temporarily out of order
Monday, December 12, 2022
Station 218 Thermal South has been vandalized and is temporarily out of order.
Station 109 Carneros has been retired.
Friday, September 16, 2022
Station 109 has been retired due to site location and maintenance problems. Historic data is available. Please contact CIMIS if you are interested in hosting a CIMIS station in your irrigated pasture, golf course, ball park, or other land type.
A new CIMIS Station, #265 Paso Robles, has been added to the network
Tuesday, May 3, 2022
There's a new CIMIS Station, #265 Paso Robles, that has been added to the network. The station is in San Luis Obispo County, just east of the Salinas River. The irrigated pasture is surrounded by vineyards.
Blackwells Corner Deactivated
Tuesday, November 9, 2021
CIMIS weather station #54, Blackwell's Corner has been turned off and will be removed. Maintenance has been discontinued and the conditions surrounding the station have degraded to the point that the station data can no longer be used for CIMIS. Historical data is available.
Dixon 121 has been deactivated; land being converted to orchard
Monday, July 12, 2021
Dixon 121, one of our longest running station sites at 27 years, has been deactivated. The new landowner is converting the land to an orchard. CIMIS is working with the station Cooperator to locate a new site nearby.
Station #57 Buntingville will be replaced by a new station soon.
Monday, May 17, 2021
Station #57 Buntingville will be replaced by a new station soon. The historical data from #57 is available, but the station has been shut down and removed.
Station #255 Chino will be replaced by a new station this Summer.
Thursday, April 15, 2021
Station #255 Chino will be replaced by a new station this Summer. The historical data from #255 is available, but the station has been shut down and removed.
Cellular providers have notified us that some station modems will lose service after Jan. 1st, 2021.
Monday, February 1, 2021
Cellular providers have notified us that some of the older generation station modems will lose service after Jan. 1st, 2021. CIMIS station data and Spatial CIMIS may be affected. Station modems are being replaced with newer models. Station data is continuing to be collected and stored at the station and will be made available once communication is restored. Please check System News for updates.
Station #216 Arleta is operating again.
Thursday, December 17, 2020
The vandalism at Station #216 Arleta has been repaired, the station is operating and data is available now.
Station #111 Green Valley Road has been turned off,
Friday, December 4, 2020
CIMIS weather station #111, Green Valley Road has been turned off and may be removed. The conditions surrounding the station have degraded and have been built up to the point that the station data is no longer useful. Historical data is available.
CIMIS Station #86 Lindcove has been shut down.
Friday, December 4, 2020
Station #86 Lindcove has been replaced by Station #258 Lemon Cove. The historical data from #86 will be available, but the station has been shut down and will be removed.
A new CIMIS Station #264 Sierra Valley Center has been added to the network
Friday, November 20, 2020
There's a new CIMIS Station #264 Sierra Valley Center that has been added to the network. The station is located east of Portola in Plumas County.
A new CIMIS Station #263 Smith River has been added to the network.
Friday, October 9, 2020
A new CIMIS Station #263 Smith River has been added to the network. The station is located north of Crescent City in Del Norte County.